I also vaguely think I made the jacket at some point but the details have faded from memory.
I pulled this pattern out as a contender for a "camp shirt". I'm attending the PatternReview weekend at the end of May, in Stratford Ontario. Among the many delights of this 3 day fabricalooza is a camp shirt contest. I understand a camp shirt to be a loose fitting shirt with a convertible (rather than stand) collar. This pattern seemed close, although it has a back yoke. The simplest camp shirts wouldn't have one.
It also has nicely curved shirt tails rather than the straight hem mentioned in the Wikipedia article. What do they know?

It should be nice and airy for the hot days to come.
Can you spot the yoke with pleats? I thought not.
The curved shirt tail hem is always a challenge, I find. To look nice, it has to be turned twice, but each bit to be turned up is bigger than the bit above it, making it hard to (a) press and (b) topstitch the hem so it looks nice and lays perfectly flat.

Serendipitously, I had perfect pink buttons in stash.