Closing it up ... and suddenly, it's done!

I sort of knew that closing up the back seam and adding the zipper to my sari dress was going to take all day.  And it did.

But it's done!

Hand picked zipper!
I decided to use a lapped application rather than attempt to sew an invisible zipper into my shifty and many layered silk skirt.  Especially since, as you may be able to see in the above photo) there is a pleat (so 6 layers of chiffon plus seam allowances) that lies EXACTLY on the cb seam line.

On the theory that visualization helps with most tasks, I spent a lot of mental sewing time between the last post and this one - imagining the installation and working through the mechanics of each side. I also (having been tipped off by Goodbye Valentino that it covered lapped zippers in a good way) downloaded the free zipper class from Craftsy and watched it.  This was helpful and I recommend the class to you, even though I didn't install my zipper exactly the way Sunni does in the class.

I would tell you how I did it, but (a) it's too complicated and (b) I forget parts ... already!  So pictures:
Underlap.  Nice, huh?

I had to add a facing of silk organza for the overlap side because my seam allowance was too narrow. With this zipper installation, the centre of the zipper is shifted to the overlap side.  

Once I had it all lined up I very carefully sewed the zipper in by hand, using a pick stitch.  Like this, but without the beads.

The skirt has twirl!